The re-organizational process for the storied Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame continues and it took its first step forward with the appointment of a temporary Board of Directors recently.
Don Pfeifer who was appointed as the temporary Board Chair says they’ve made some progress since the idea first came to tuition earlier this year.
“We now have an interim board of about 8 members and we have an advisory board of 8 members and we’re presently working on plans to move forward with the other mandates of the Yorkton Sport hall of Fame organization.”
The Interim Board members include Don Pfeifer (Temporary Chair), Dave Spelay (Vice Chair), Ryan Kitchen (Sec./Treas.), Ron Balacko, Randy Goulden, Dick DeRyk, Jennifer Ingham, Becky Dutchak, Taylor Morrison (ex-officio member) while the ddvisory sub-committee consists of eight volunteer members who include Gene Krepakevich, Barry Sharpe, Dave Baron, Don Szabo, Vern Pachal, Ed Magis, and Lynda Ziglo.
Although there is a display area available for artifacts at the Gallagher Center most of the inventory of the YSHF is presently stored in a room that must soon be vacated
The organization also believes it may no longer be feasible to continue with a permanent physical environment involving a museum and it may be time to go digital, but they need a work space to make that happen.
“Could be temporary or permanent, we’re looking for a safe space to not only hold organizational meetings but also to lay everything out take inventory of memorabilia, artifacts, history and sport albums etc. in order to work toward going digital and that would require space of course to start developing a website.” Pfeifer said in a phone interview
Pfeifer adds the Hall of Fame is big part of sports history in the city and an important part of the community.
If you’re interesting in sponsoring, helping out or want more information contact any board member or contact Don directly at 1-306-783-7849 or by email at [email protected]