Cancellations for Monday February 8th 2021.

If you have a cancellation, call our GX94 newsroom at (306)-783-4319

**All Good Spirit School Division and Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division buses are not running.

**All Park West schools and division buildings closed.

**All Prairie Valley buses cancelled this morning, but are expected to run this afternoon. Schools are open.

**All Ituna, Rose Valley, Archerwill,  & Quill Lake buses in the Horizon School Division are not running this morning.

**All Sakimay buses not running today.

**All Maryfield, Moosomin, Rocanville, Wapella, Arcola, Carlyle, Redvers, Wawota, Manor, & Stoughton buses are not running this morning in the South East Cornerstone Public School Division today.

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