Third Round of COVID Contingency Funding Being Used For Sask. Schools

Saskatchewan school divisions will be receiving nearly $29-million to support schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The provincial government says 53 applications have been approved for the 3rd round of funding that will help school divisions, independent schools, and historical high schools with costs associated with sanitation and PPE, substitute teachers, and supports for students.

In preparation for the fall, the province notes school divisions will receive $20.7-million for supporting student mental health, interventions for Grade 1 students who did not attend Kindergarten in the 2020-21 academic year; interventions to support Grade 1 to 3 students who are behind in their reading levels; and support staff to reach out and engage with students and families that did not attend or had low attendance in 2020-21.

$4.9-million of the $29-million will be allocated to school divisions and independent schools to recognize previous and future Personal Protective Equipment purchases.

In a news release, Education Minister Dustin Duncan says this money will “ensure school divisions continue to have the resources needed to keep schools safe for students and staff.”

The money comes from the province’s COVID contingency fund for education.

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