If you have a cancellation call or text 306-783-8622.
–Park West and Mountain View School Divisions: All schools and division office in both are closed today.
–Good Spirit and Christ the Teacher School Division–
Terri 5-M, Laura-Lynn 39-M**Yorkton: Terry 101, Phil 53-Y, Amanda 12-K, Joyce 111, Teri 101
**Canora: Gene 60-Y
**Langenburg: Lana 29-M, Stephanie 105, Dale 23-M, Veronica 1-M
**Esterhazy: Richard 87, Sharla 80-Y, Kim 35-M, Joan 51-M
**Melville: Lucas 33-M
**Norquay: Key First Nation bus, Florida 5-S, Dennis 112, Ian 23-K, Christine 5-Y
–Southeast Cornerstone School Division–
**Moosomin: Lorne 84-410, Bob 84-407
**Rocanville: Cassandra 84-406
**ChurchbridgeTerry 106, Mandy 31-M