Three local communities conducting bypass of untreated sewage after recent heavy rainfall

Six communities in Saskatchewan will be bypassing some or all untreated sewage from their wastewater systems, after capacity was temporarily exceeded by recent heavy rainfall.

Saskatoon, Weyburn, Sedley, Stockholm, Rocanville, and Whitewood are the communities doing the bypass.

Spokesman for the Water Security Agency Patrick Boyle explained the bypass is necessary to protect the systems from a catastrophic failure as well as to protect property.

“That also in turn helps to protect residents and also reduces that public health risk as in none of these backups coming into people’s homes.” added Boyle.

He also cautions people in affected communities to stay clear of waterways where bypasses are occurring for the next few days. Boyle also says people can contact their local municipal office for the latest information.

The Water Security Agency says, in a media advisory, all bypasses done by municipalities are required to be reported to the provincial spillage centre, and the WSA is working with these communities to ensure appropriate action is taken during and after the process to reduce public health risks.

Boyle says at this point, no drinking water advisories have been issued, but they will continue to monitor these events.

“Typically when you get these heavy rainfall events it usually impacts the wastewater treatment facility first, but we haven’t seen any issues on the drinking water side to date from any communities.”

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