Manitoba Premier worried somewhat about Ottawa reaching into provincial areas, but stopped short of pushing back

Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson says she is not planning legislation to push back against the federal government over areas of jurisdiction, as Alberta and Saskatchewan are planning.

Stefanson says she is worried to some extent about Ottawa reaching into provincial areas, but she could not name an example and says there has been no discussion yet about such legislation in the province.

Stefanson says one area where she would like to see change from the federal government is on carbon pricing.

A Federal Court judge ruled last year that Ottawa had the right to impose a backstop price on carbon in Manitoba, when the province refused to impose one of its own that met federal demands.

Stefanson announced, shortly after becoming premier, that Manitoba would not appeal that ruling and would instead try to work collaboratively with the federal government.

She says, so far, Ottawa has shown no sign of backing down from its minimum price requirements.

(The Canadian Press)

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