Cancellations for Wednesday December 7th, 2022
**If you have a cancellation call or text 306-783-8622.
**All Good Spirit School Division & Christ The Teacher School Division Rural buses are not running.
**Melville and Yorkton Urban buses are expected to continue their regular routes.
** All GSSD extra-curricular and co-curricular activities involving transportation will be cancelled.
** All Prairie Valley Division buses not running this morning, schools are open.
** As well in the PVSD, any planned curricular or extra-curricular trips scheduled to depart prior to noon will be cancelled also.
**Swan Valley School Division buses are not running, schools are open.
** All Sakimay student transportation is cancelled today and Sakimay School is closed to staff and students.
**Mountainview School Division: Buses D-10, R-8 and R-2 running 20 minutes late.