Saskatchewan and Manitoba receive good grades in CFIB’s Red Tape Report Card

Saskatchewan and Manitoba did good on the Canadian Federation of Independent Business’ 2023 Red Tape Report Card.

The CFIB graded provinces in 3 different categories – regulatory accountability, regulatory burden and political priority.

Regulatory accountability focuses on how the government reports its rules and regulations, and how accessible they are – whether online or an open data format such as a pdf.

Regulatory burden focuses on whether governments have an advisory service to help businesses navigate challenges as well as a dedicated time frame in which a province commits to reviewing the overall regulatory burden.

Political priority is clear indications that red tape reduction and regulatory modernization are priorities for the Premier and members of Cabinet, as well as red tape reduction being touted so businesses know its a priority of their government.

Saskatchewan got an overall grade of B, and Manitoba a B-plus. Saskatchewan got a B grade each for regulatory accountability and regulatory burden, but a C in political priority of reducing red tape. Manitoba scored an A-minus for regulatory accountability, a B-plus on regulatory burden, and a B-minus for political priority.

Alberta scored the highest grade with an A-minus, while Newfoundland and Labrador had the lowest grade with an F.

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