Winter Driving Tips We Can All Use.

We have a new driver in our house as my oldest got his learners license recently. This week winter decided to arrive and it got me thinking of things he needs to know with the conditions. I think we can all use a refresher when it comes to driving in winter conditions. Here are 10 tips to help you drive safely in icy conditions:

1. Slow down: Reduce your speed significantly to allow for increased stopping distance. It takes longer to brake on icy roads, so always drive at a speed appropriate for the conditions.
2. Increase following distance: Leave more space between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This will provide you with ample time to react and stop safely.
3. Be gentle with acceleration and braking: Apply the gas and brakes slowly and smoothly to avoid skidding. Sudden movements can cause your vehicle to lose traction and spin out of control.
4. Avoid sudden lane changes: Make gradual and deliberate lane changes to avoid sudden shifts in weight that can destabilize your vehicle.
5. Use winter tires: Equip your vehicle with winter tires that provide improved traction on icy surfaces. These tires are specifically designed to handle slippery conditions better than regular tires.
6. Clear your windows and mirrors: Before setting off, ensure all your windows, mirrors, and lights are clear of snow and ice. Good visibility is crucial for safe driving.
7. Use your headlights: Keep your headlights on at all times, even during the day, to increase visibility for other drivers. This will also help you spot icy patches on the road ahead.
8. Steer into a skid: If your vehicle starts to skid, steer gently in the direction you want the front wheels to go. Avoid overcorrecting, as this can lead to a more severe skid.
9. Be cautious on bridges and overpasses: These tend to freeze first and are usually more slippery than regular road surfaces. Approach them with extra caution and reduce your speed even further.
10. Stay informed and plan ahead: Check the weather forecast before you start your journey and listen to traffic updates. If conditions are too severe, consider postponing your trip or finding an alternative route.

Remember, the most important tip for driving in icy conditions is to exercise caution and prioritize safety. It’s better to arrive a little late than to risk an accident. Stay aware of your surroundings, adjust your driving style accordingly, and always be prepared for the unexpected. -Danny

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