If you have a cancellation, call or text 306-783-8622.
** Good Spirit School Division & Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division**
**Churchbridge: Sharla Brenner
**Canora: Sherri Roebuck (PM only)
**Kamsack: Nick Waagenaar
**Langenburg: Veronica DePape, Elinor Dietrich
**Melville: Dennis Novak
**Springside: Bernie Breitkreuz
**Theodore: Laura-Lynn Fedyk
**Yorkton: Monya Oosthuysen, Vickie Wilkinson, Kim Hyshka/Cathryn Hayes, Amanda Nagy, Tanya Hamilton, Robert Mehling, Micheal Halyk (PM Only), Phil Boulloigne (PM only), Jacquie Spence (PM only)