Warm weather welcome for crop development, haying operations

Overall, crops across the province remain in good condition, noted the provincial crop report released Thursday morning.

This is despite excessive moisture causing crop yellowing and crop loss in low lying areas of some regions, as well as drier conditions in other regions.

The hot weather will help crops catch up on development after previous weeks of rain and cooler temperatures. Crops Extension Specialist Meghan Rosso says canola and spring cereals remain the furthest behind on development for this time of year, while other crops are showing “reductions in the percentage that are falling behind in development.” There is concern about the heat “in areas that are already experiencing a lack of moisture or that have canola and mustard in the flowering stage of development.”

The warmer climate, however, has helped livestock producers make progress on haying operations, but some are delayed due to frequent isolated rains. The crop report says 19 per cent of the hay crop has received its first cut with six per cent baled or silaged. Hay quality is rated as 30 per cent excellent, 59 per cent good, 10 per cent fair and one per cent poor.

Topsoil moisture conditions did drop a bit this past week from the warmer weather but remain fairly adequate. Moisture for cropland is rated at seven per cent surplus, 83 per cent adequate, eight per cent short and two per cent very short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at five per cent surplus, 84 per cent adequate, nine per cent short and two per cent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is three per cent surplus, 80 per cent adequate, 14 per cent short and three per cent very short.

Rainfall totals were less compared to previous weeks with the Frobisher area having the most at 52 mm, the Regina area 51 mm, and the Langenburg and Macklin areas both getting 50 mm.

There were reports of minor to moderate damage from isolated hail this past week. Gophers and grasshoppers were also mentioned in the report, with some areas saying grasshoppers are emerging when they haven’t been a factor previously. Producers also note aphids and cabbage seedpod weevils are beginning to appear in some regions of the province. With the frequent moisture and currently humid conditions, disease development has been observed in various crops including pulses and cereals.

Over the next few weeks, producers will be applying more fungicide and monitoring fields for disease and insect development, and haying will continue.

A breakdown of crop conditions by growing region can be found below.


Producers within the region are busy with fungicide applications given the frequent showers and currently humid conditions which are conducive to disease development. Haying operations are beginning in the region following rainfall delays. Over the next week, producers will continue with haying, spraying and monitoring for pest and disease development.

Rain fell throughout much of the region with a few areas reporting smaller isolated storms with higher rainfall amounts. The highest rainfall recorded fell in the Frobisher area at 52 mm followed by the Balcarres area at 51 mm. The Langenburg area received 50 mm and the Weyburn area received 49 mm.

Topsoil moisture fell within the region over the past week. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 14 per cent surplus, 73 per cent adequate, 12 per cent short and one per cent very short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at nine per cent surplus, 76 per cent adequate, 14 per cent short and one per cent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is eight per cent surplus, 73 per cent adequate, 17 per cent short and two per cent very short.

Crop development remains relatively unchanged in regard to the percentage of crops that are falling behind their normal stages of development for this time of year as compared to previous weeks. The exception to this is fall cereals which have shown a larger increase in the per cent that are falling behind. Producers are hopeful that with the warmer weather conditions crops may be able to catch up closer to the normal stages of development for this time of year.

Crop conditions are rated mainly as good throughout the region except for soybeans that are rated at 58 per cent in fair condition. A full summary of individual crop conditions for all regions can be viewed in the attached crop conditions table.

Despite rain delays in some areas within the region, haying operations have progressed. Ten per cent of the hay crop has received its first cut with three per cent baled or silaged. Hay quality is rated as 25 per cent excellent, 64 per cent good and 11 per cent fair.

Crop damage is reported mainly due to excess moisture within the region which is causing crop yellowing in lower lying areas with some crop loss occurring. Minor to moderate hail damage was reported from isolated storms within the region over the past week. With the frequent moisture, disease development has been observed on pulses and cereals. Gophers continue to persist within the region and are contributing to crop damage. Minor damage has been reported for grasshoppers, but producers indicate that grasshoppers are emerging in areas that previously did not have pressure. The presence of aphids has also been noted within the region this week.


Fungicide applications are ongoing within the region given the frequent showers and currently humid conditions which are conducive to disease development. Haying operations are well underway within the region. Over the next week, producers will continue with haying, spraying and monitoring for pest and disease development.

Rain was variable throughout the region with frequent isolated showers reported. The highest rain fell in the Aneroid area at 48 mm. The Admiral and Richmound areas both received 30 mm over the past week and the Moose Jaw area received 27 mm.

Topsoil moisture fell within the region over the past week. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated as four per cent surplus, 77 per cent adequate, 13 per cent short and six per cent very short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at 77 per cent adequate, 19 per cent short and four per cent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is 72 per cent adequate, 22 per cent short and six per cent very short.

Crop development remains relatively unchanged in regard to the percentage of crops that are falling behind their normal stages of development for this time of year as compared to previous weeks. The southwest region overall is showing to be the furthest advanced for crop development within the province.

Crop conditions are rated mainly as good throughout the region. Winter wheat is reported at 50 per cent good and 50 per cent fair. A full summary of individual crop conditions for all regions can be viewed in the attached crop conditions table.

Haying operations continue to progress throughout the region. Twenty-six per cent of the hay crop has received its first cut with 11 per cent baled or silaged. Hay quality is rated as 25 per cent excellent, 69 per cent good and six per cent fair.

Crop damage within the region is reported mainly due to gophers and grasshoppers with some areas reporting moderate to severe damage. Cabbage seedpod weevils have also been identified at increased numbers within the region and producers are reminded to monitor canola and mustard that is beginning to flower. The lack of moisture within some areas in the region is contributing to crop stress with producers concerned about crop deterioration if dry and hot conditions persist. Producers note the presence of pulse and cereal diseases with minor root rot damage reported within the region.


Producers within the region are wrapping up in-crop weed spraying while also applying fungicides on earlier seeded crops. Haying continues within the region, but producers note that wet conditions in some areas have slowed haying operations. Over the next week, producers will continue with haying, spraying and monitoring for pest and disease development.

Rainfall was variable throughout the region. Significantly reduced amounts fell over the region this week as compared to the widespread rainfall last week. The highest recorded rain fell in the Calder area at 32 mm followed by the Elfros area at 22 mm. The Foam Lake area received 20 mm, the Goodeve area received 16 mm and the Kenaston area received 12 mm.

Topsoil moisture remains adequate within the region. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated as nine per cent surplus, 88 per cent adequate and three per cent short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at 11 per cent surplus, 88 per cent adequate and one per cent short. Pasture topsoil moisture is 10 per cent surplus, 84 per cent adequate and six per cent short.

Crop development remains relatively unchanged in regard to the percentage of crops that are falling behind their normal stages of development for this time of year as compared to previous weeks. Canola and spring cereals are still the furthest behind the normal stages of development for this time of year.

Crop conditions are variable throughout the region but are rated mainly as under good conditions. Flax is shown to have the highest increase in fair conditions reported at 28 per cent. A full summary of individual crop conditions for all regions can be viewed in the attached crop conditions table.

Haying operations continue to progress throughout the region. Fifteen per cent of the hay crop has received its first cut with nine per cent baled or silaged. Hay quality is rated as 28 per cent excellent, 64 per cent good and eight per cent fair.

Crop damage is reported mainly due to excess moisture within the region which is causing crop yellowing in lower lying areas with some crop loss occurring. Producers do note that flooded out areas are shrinking due to the break in moisture experienced within the region over the past week. A localized area within the region is reporting moderate to severe gopher damage. Pockets of grasshoppers are emerging in areas within the region, but overall minor crop damage is reported. With the wetter conditions within the region, producers will continue to monitor disease development in pulses and cereals.


Producers in the region are wrapping up in-crop weed spraying while also applying fungicides on earlier seeded crops. Haying continues within the region, but producers note that the wet conditions in some areas have slowed haying operations. Over the next week, producers will continue with haying, spraying and monitoring for pest and disease development.

Rainfall was variable throughout the region over the past week with many areas reporting significantly reduced amounts as compared to the widespread rainfall throughout the region the previous week. The highest rainfall fell in the Macklin area at 50 mm followed by the Dinsmore area at 38 mm. The Marsden area received 16 mm and the Rosetown area received 15 mm. All other areas within the region reported below 15 mm for the week.

Topsoil moisture remains adequate throughout much of the region. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 91 per cent adequate and seven per cent short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at one per cent surplus, 91 per cent adequate, seven per cent short and one per cent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is one per cent surplus, 91 per cent adequate, six per cent short and two per cent very short

Most crops within the region are showing increases towards their normal stages of development for this time of year as compared to previous weeks. The crops that are still showing to be falling behind include oilseeds, perennial and annual forages.

Crop conditions are rated mainly as good throughout the region. Winter wheat and soybeans are reported at 50 per cent good and 50 per cent fair within the region. A full summary of individual crop conditions for all regions can be viewed in the attached crop conditions table.

Haying operations continue to progress throughout the region. Twenty-four per cent of the hay crop has received its first cut with six per cent baled or silaged. Hay quality is rated as 17 per cent excellent, 79 per cent good and four per cent fair.

Crop damage is reported mainly due to excess moisture within the region which is causing crop yellowing in lower lying areas and root rot development. Gopher and grasshopper damage has been reported as minor within the region. With the wetter conditions, producers continue to note disease development in pulses and cereals.


Producers within the region are wrapping up in-crop weed spraying and applying fungicides on earlier seeded crops. Haying continues within the region as weather allows. Over the next week, producers will continue with haying, spraying and monitoring for pest and disease development.

Rainfall was variable throughout the region with some isolated heavy showers and hail reported. The highest rainfall fell in the Duck Lake area at 41 mm followed by the Wakaw area at 39 mm. The St. Brieux area received 37 mm, the Birch Hills area received 30 mm and the Hudson Bay area received 29 mm. The majority of other areas throughout the region received below 10 mm for the past week.

Topsoil moisture remains adequate throughout much of the region. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 13 per cent surplus, 86 per cent adequate and one per cent short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at eight per cent surplus, 90 per cent adequate and two per cent short. Pasture topsoil moisture is six per cent surplus, 91 per cent adequate and three per cent short.

Crop development remains relatively unchanged in regard to the percentage of crops that are falling behind their normal stages of development for this time of year as compared to previous weeks. The exception to this is fall cereals which have shown a large increase in the per cent that are moving from behind and into their normal stages of development for this time of year.

Crop conditions are quite variable throughout the region, but the majority are reported to be in good to fair condition. Winter wheat and fall rye are reporting very poor conditions within the region. A full summary of individual crop conditions for all regions can be viewed in the attached crop conditions table.

Haying operations continue to progress throughout the region. Fifteen per cent of the hay crop has received its first cut with three per cent baled or silaged. Hay quality is rated as 42 per cent excellent, 30 per cent good, 17 per cent fair and 11 per cent poor.

The main crop damage reported is due to excess moisture within the region with some areas reporting moderate to severe damage. Producers report that the excess moisture is causing crop yellowing in lower areas of the field with crop loss occurring. Hail also moved through the region with some areas reporting minor to moderate crop damage. A localized area within the region is reporting grasshopper and gopher damage but damage is not widespread. With the wetter conditions within the region, producers will continue to monitor disease development in pulses, cereals and oilseed crops.


Fungicide applications are ongoing within the region given the frequent showers and currently humid conditions which are conducive to disease development. Haying operations are well underway within the region. Over the next week, producers will continue with haying, spraying and monitoring for pest and disease development.

Reduced amounts of rain fell throughout most of the region with some areas reporting trace amounts for the past week. A few isolated showers caused heavier rainfall amounts in the Shellbrook area which reported 41 mm. A few areas are hoping for rain over the coming weeks to support crop development.

Topsoil moisture fell within the region over the past week. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 84 per cent adequate and 15 per cent short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at 85 per cent adequate and 15 per cent short. Pasture topsoil moisture is 84 per cent adequate and 16 per cent short.

Crop development continues to fall behind for oilseeds, spring cereals and annual forages throughout the region. In contrast, fall cereals have shown a large increase in the per cent that are moving from behind into their normal stages of development for this time of year.

Crop conditions are variable throughout the region but are rated mainly as under good conditions. Flax is shown to have the highest increase in fair conditions reported at 25 per cent. A full summary of individual crop conditions for all regions can be viewed in the attached crop conditions table.

Haying operations have progressed within the region. Twenty-six per cent of the hay crops have received their first cut with one per cent baled or silaged. Hay quality is rated as 67 per cent excellent, 31 per cent good and two per cent fair.

Crop damage is reported in the region mainly due to gophers with some areas reporting minor to moderate damage. Minor damage was reported for excess moisture and hail over the past week. Producers note the presence of root rot, pulse and cereal diseases within the region and will continue to monitor over the coming weeks.

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