The OG Mario Bros.

Mario, the classic Mario, the one from way back in the 80’s! How can such a simple game be so much fun to play!? And be so hard! At least for mom. My 7 year old is kicking my butt at the game, and my husband, well, he has been named the “Ultra Legend”! Even though he is only 2 levels ahead of the 7 year old.

I only remember playing this game once or twice when I was a kid. That’s my reason for being not the best at it. I end up dying so quickly, it’s rather embarrassing, but so much fun.

I’d like to say I’m teaching my 7 year old how to be a good sport, and not freak out when you loose a level … I’d like to be able to say that, but really I can’t. How many more hours until the work day is done? I can’t wait to play it tonight.
-Tonya Cherry-

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