Kamsack Artist Collaborates with Saskatchewan Rush

The Saskatchewan Rush will debut their new Rush Reimagined jerseys on March 29 against the Colorado Mammoth.

The jerseys were designed by Saskatchewan-based artist Isaac Thomas, a self-taught graphic designer and illustrator from Kamsack who runs Glad Line Graphic Design in Saskatoon.

Thomas was surprised by the opportunity but embraced the challenge despite a tight deadline. His design features detailed line work and incorporates prairie elements like grass, the river, and bison, drawing inspiration from last year’s inaugural Rush Reimagined jersey. The final product matched his vision, and he’s excited about the exposure this brings to his work.

Rush Reimagined extends beyond jerseys, including a clothing line available in-store and online.

After the game, the jerseys will be auctioned to benefit the Meewasin Valley Authority, supporting conservation efforts in the Saskatoon area

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