Winter Cereals Being Harvested in Manitoba: Crop Report

Harvest continues in fall rye and winter wheat in Manitoba, and has started in spring wheat, barley, and peas.

Yield reports are preliminary at this stage.

Most spring cereals are at hard dough to physiological maturity.

Corn fields range from silking to milk stage, with the latest fields at tasseling.

The earliest seeded canola crops are well into ripening and seed colour change, with some swathing and pre-harvest applications occurring.

Sunflowers range from R4 (inflorescence beginning to open) to R5.9 (90% flower), with the earliest fields completed flowering and starting seed development.

The earliest peas are at physiological maturity, and harvest has started.

Soybeans are in the R3 (beginning pod) to R5 (beginning seed) stages, with the majority at R4 (full pod).

(Government of Manitoba news release)

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