Cheers to 60 Years of Our Maple Leaf!

Hey, Canada! It’s Flag Day, and we’re celebrating 60 amazing years of our iconic red and white flag. Can you imagine our country without it? Turns out before 1965, our flag had a different look!

Back in the day, we flew the Royal Union Flag, or Union Jack, just like our friends in Britain. And let’s not forget the Canadian Red Ensign, which was our go-to symbol on ships and unofficially on land, holding the fort until our beloved maple leaf took center stage on February 15, 1965.

The Union Jack (Photo from
Evolution of Canadian Red Ensign (Photo from

So, how are you marking this special day? Whether you’re raising a flag, rocking your red and white gear, or simply shopping Canadian, it’s all about showing some love for Canada. Let’s celebrate and keep the Canadian spirit flying high!

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