Due to the significant public health concerns surrounding COVID-19 and large public gatherings, major Manitoba 150 celebrations are being paused for 2020, Premier Brian Pallister announced today.
“As Manitobans, we all love our beautiful summers and we were looking forward to celebrating Manitoba’s 150th anniversary, but right now, health and safety must come first,” said Pallister. “We know this is a difficult time for Manitobans, but we will get through this. We look forward to the days when we can reunite with our friends and neighbours to keep celebrating our great province.”
This year marks the 150th anniversary of Manitoba joining Confederation and many activities and events to commemorate this significant milestone were planned by the Manitoba 150 Host Committee Inc.
All remaining events and public activities associated Manitoba 150 are being postponed, but funding will remain in place to support community projects and events when public health advice advises it is once again safe to hold large public gatherings, said Monique LaCoste and Stuart Murray, co-chairs of the Manitoba 150 Host Committee.
“We invited Manitobans to be ‘United in Celebration’ in 2020 and instead, we are united in the fight against COVID-19,” said Murray. “Manitoba 150 celebrations may be on hold for now, but we know this pandemic will end, and when it does, we’ll be ready with a celebration like no other.”
The Unite 150 Concert featuring a full slate of Manitoba artists, originally planned for June 27 at the Manitoba Legislative Building, will be rescheduled in 2021.
“Once it is safe for Manitobans to gather for Unite 150 under the watchful gaze of the Golden Boy, the theme ‘United in Celebration’ will truly take on its full meaning,” Pallister said.
Questions about Manitoba 150 programming can be emailed to [email protected].
Every year, the Manitoba government provides support to nearly 50 community events and major festivals.
For organizations under the province’s ‘Community Festivals and Events’ program, that must cancel their events this year due to COVID-19, the province is committed to covering up to 50 per cent of eligible funding.
“Ensuring funding continues to flow will help ensure these Manitoba’s cultural organizations remain viable into the future,” Pallister said.
Organizations with questions about events and funding should email [email protected].
A comprehensive list of Manitoba government COVID-19 measures can be found at: